Looking for a Direct Mail Marketing Idea?

Finding a direct mail marketing idea that gets a profitable response can be tough. One idea that definitely does make a difference to direct mail is using an opted-in customer database. See the page on direct mail marketing tips to find out why.

Direct Mail Marketing Idea #1 - Marketing Postcards
They can be a great idea for direct mail because:
- they're quick to produce
- can be eye-catching
- you can use imaginative or funny designs for instant impact
- they're often kept for a long time (sometimes pinned up in a prominent place)
- no envelope means greater chance of being read
The idea is to keep the text short, punchy and be clear about your
MWR - Most Wanted Response (©SBI). Is it to get people to visit your premises? Or your website? See the right column for a link to a great idea for creating a direct mail ‘Webcard’.
MULTI-PURPOSEThe postcard doesn’t
have to be used just for direct mail either. Other applications include:
- enclosed with your regular mailing correspondence, such as invoices
- enclosed with delivery packages
- handed out at networking meetings or trade shows
- as a souped-up alternative to a regular business card
- distributed by partners
- offered at your Customer Contact Points
CAPTURE DATAAnother idea is to use your direct mail postcard to capture customer data. Offer a discount or freebie that requires the customer to hand over a postcard completed with some contact details.
Visit the Postcard Marketing Ideas website for lots more tips and advice on direct mail postcard marketing.

Printing your Postcards
On-demand digital printing has revolutionised direct mail marketing. It’s now possible to design, order and print your postcards (and letters) online, and the print service will dispatch them for you for a fixed price including postage.
But what makes this idea really interesting is that there's usually no minimum order quantity!
There are links to several on-demand print services in the right column.
Direct Mail Marketing Idea #2 - birthday and annniversary cards
If you’re already capturing customer contact information, ask for a birthday.
Or, if appropriate, an anniversary date (eg a hotel that hosts weddings, a romantic restaurant that celebrating couples patronise, or even a florist!).
A well managed and up-to-date customer database will make it easy to identify customers with an approaching birthday or anniversary. A card is a great no-pressure idea to contact your customers by direct mail and subtly generate some repeat sales.
See the link below to find out more about using dates as part of your small business strategy for sales and marketing.
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Direct mail doesn’t have to mean junk mail. Relevance is crucial to getting the maximum response, and the best way to ensure relevance is to build an opted-in and segmented customer database.
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